The word fellowship has many meanings. In the church today,
it is most often understood to mean a time or opportunity for social
interaction. During this time, we get to know one another: career, kids,
marriage, geographical background, and the rest of the demographic data. We may
discover that we share common interests or passions (fishing, sports, arts and
crafts, music). Fellowship in the New Testament, however, had more to do with
spiritual agreement and common missions or goals. This sharing of beliefs,
goals and missions with our fellows (those around us) became what we call
fellowship. The Greek, koinonia means,
“ what we have in common,” usually in a spiritual sense.
Having reminded the Philippians of the foundation upon which
they can now stand firm, Paul’s argument now finds direct and practical
application in the fellowship of those in the church:
“I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to agree with
one another in the Lord. Yes, and I ask you, loyal yokefellow, help these women who have contended at my side in the cause
of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.” Philippians
4:2-3 (italics mine).
Paul reminds them of their fellowship with him, as
yokefellows and fellow workers, and that their mission and goals have eternal
importance and outcome; their names are in the book of life. In light of these
things, and the foundation upon which they stand firm, it is not only possible
but necessary that they “agree with one another in the Lord” and that devoted
brothers in Christ do what they can to help this agreement along.
Being human, it is entirely too easy for us to focus on our
areas of disagreement, our individual preferences and our personality clashes.
These things, Paul implies, are unimportant in comparison with what we do have
in common: Jesus died to give us eternal life and unity in him, and he is
coming again to bring all things under his benevolent control.
When I am tempted to harbor resentment or to fantasize about
vindication, I sometimes imagine Jesus walking into the room and settling in
beside me. As he looks into my eyes and heart, I am not proud of what he sees
there—all the more when he literally comes to the earth again and we see him
resurrected and in the flesh! I sincerely doubt that our superficial
differences will amount to much at that point. This is what it means to “agree
with one another in the Lord.” As we focus on what (and whom) we have in
common, we see the trivia for what it is and leave it behind. We press forward,
following the example of Paul, to the fulfillment of all that Christ has for
us, individually and as the Body of Christ.